Drawing and Meditation Workshop
In this free hands-on workshop, John Simon will introduce the drawing and mindfulness techniques that form the basis of his meditation...
Mindfull Drawing Event
Showed some of my daily drawings and drew mindfully with a great group in Greenwood Lake on this beautiful January afternoon. Hope to see...
University of Colorado, Boulder
I'm going to be a visiting artist and guest lecturer at the University of Colorado this week.
I'll be doing a google hangout on Dharmachanics to talk about my book, Drawing Your Own Path.
2016 TLC Colloquium: Learn, Reflect and Grow
I'm speaking at the 2016 Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Colloquium in San Antonio, TX. I will introduce mindful drawing and lead some...
At the Rubin Museum
Busy week for me - opening Thursday and now giving this small presentation after the film at the Rubin Museum on Saturday, 3-4:30pm, 150...